She would be proud of you, Helen - proud of your principles and the wonderful new chapter opening up in the life of your family

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Jul 21Liked by Helen Roy

"I don’t know how to be a mother without my own mother."

I'm not going to post an emoji of the crying face, but this is very moving, it's all very moving.

We love you Helen! Can't wait to take photos with you in Budapest xxx

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May we all have, or be, a Bee Bee. 🩷

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Jul 24Liked by Helen Roy

I am so sorry for your loss. I don’t know you, but I have listened to your podcast for a while, and this nearly brought me to tears. Know that your work (and through it, your mother) have touched lives far and wide.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think that you played any part in stoking misogyny on the online right. Your nuanced critique of “girl boss feminism” has been inspiring to me (a girl boss who became a mother) and I’m sure many others. In my circles, no one has kids (yet) and staying at home is often perceived as strange and archaic. You present motherhood as virtuous and worthwhile, which has always felt like a sweet reprieve. Twitter and instagram try to turn us all into 1D caricatures (trad wives, girl bosses, etc.) but the reality is much more complex, and you have always expressed that complexion wonderfully. I know it’s just my opinion, but you should not beat yourself up!

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Thanks for sharing these moving personal reflections, Helen. I'm so sorry for your loss. At the same time, I'm excited for your new chapter as a writer and wish your family all the best in this adventure.

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A new act in life. Thank you for writing this beautiful letter, Helen.

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Exquisite, Helen. Cried. Thank you so much for this.

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I see everyone using the words “beautiful” and “moving”, and I’m here to echo that. Y’all stay on my mind and in my prayers. And you and your mom - forces of nature, both.

I can’t even imagine the heartache, and yet everything you said still points us towards the glory of God and His goodness. It’s so admirable. Thank you for this precious example of faithfulness, and also I am just so sorry that this is how it is now. It oughtn’t be.

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Jul 21Liked by Helen Roy

What a moving tribute to your mother, she would be so proud of you. May we all be more like her 🙏🏼

Wishing you the very best with the exciting new chapter your family is embarking on this year, I have enjoyed your Girlboss podcast and the way you have always celebrated motherhood and womanhood. I look forward to seeing what you create next - totally agree about the creeping misogyny in the online right.

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Jul 21Liked by Helen Roy

This is beautiful.

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Jul 21Liked by Helen Roy

I don’t think that being critical of the girl boss ideology is misogynistic. Women who don’t ascribe to girl boss ideology are talented as well. Our society pities women who prioritize their families. You gave us a voice that there is value, happiness, and fulfillment can be found in choosing family life. I’ll be sad to see that podcast go.

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A moving and lovely tribute to a great woman that has made me reflect on my relationship with my own mom and how I want it to look going forward. So exciting for you to be approaching such big new horizons this year! I treasured your stand against the girlboss movement which I found very harmful in my own life, and will certainly miss that angle of your work, but I look forward to what is to come.

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Jul 29Liked by Helen Roy

I have been a follower of yours since your first American Mind articles, several of which I shared with friends and FB. Prayers for your family, and best wishes for your new life.

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Helen, I feel confident in saying that for every mother, to have our example of being a good one be our legacy is the ultimate honor, privilege and is the thing that would set our souls at peace like no other thing. Thinking of and praying for you and your family in this time.

I also wanted to share my love of the poem you chose for the namesake of the podcast, looking forward to following your journey♥️

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Jul 26Liked by Helen Roy

Oh Helen I teared up reading this! I’m so grateful to have learned more about your mother and everything she has meant. She would be (and is) so proud of you, and so are we!

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Jul 26Liked by Helen Roy

Oh Helen I teared up reading this! I’m so grateful to have learned more about your mother and everything she has meant. She would be (and is) so proud of you, and so are we!

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